Walk a Mile With Us...
Every child should be provided the opportunity to receive a Christ-centered education, and yet many families struggle to pay school fees. As part of the family of God, we have the opportunity to financially partner with a family to ensure that their child is raised in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Would you be willing to walk alongside a family for a season? Please review the sponsorship options below.

Gap Donors
All families must pay. However, some families are only able to pay a portion of their child's tuition. OCA does not turn away families solely for financial reasons. Instead. we invite Gap Donors to provide the difference between what a family can pay and the total amount required. Gap Donors can remain anonymous or share contact information with the family they support. Gap Donors can donate once or make it a yearly tradition.
Personalized Scholarships
Would you like to create your own scholarship for a student who is learning English as a second language, a budding math whiz, or one who shows promise in music? You write up the criteria. You select the candidate. You create the legacy.